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Targeting Transcription in Breast Cancer (TTBC)
Lab Members

Angélique Alonso-Marrau

phone: ++33-5-5757-9504

Monica Arnedos

Practicien Hospitalier
phone: ++33-

Hervé Bonnefoi

Professor Practicien Hospitalier
phone: ++33-

Elodie Darbo

Research Engineer
phone: ++33-

Richard Iggo

phone: ++33-

Elisabeth Lata

PhD student
phone: ++33-5-5757-9504

Gaëtan McGrogan
Practicien Hospitalier
phone: ++33-

Anne Persoz
Research Engineer
phone: ++33-

Francis Sagliocco

Associate Professor
Coordinator of the Master of Cellular and Molecular Genetics
phone: ++33-5-5757-9504

Martin Teichmann
Director of the Doctoral School of
Life Sciences and Health
phone: ++33-5-5757-4647


Our goal is to understand the role of transcription factors acting at specific steps in the mammary lineage and to develop treatments based on targeting transcription in breast cancer cells. We classified breast cancer into three major groups (luminal, molecular apocrine and basal, Farmer et al., 2005), and recently developed an algorithm based on transcription factor expression to classify tumours into these groups (Iggo, 2018).

To target luminal tumours that are resistant to existing anti-estrogen therapies we are developing strategies based on selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs, Hickey et al., 2020).

To target molecular apocrine tumours, we have performed two clinical trials with anti-androgens (NCT01842321 and NCT03383679) but we need to better understand the biology of these tumours.

To target basal and stem cell-like tumours (commonly referred to as TNBC in the clinical literature because they do not express the estrogen receptor ER, the progesterone receptor [PR] or ERBB2 [HER2]), we are exploring an embryonic isoform of RNA polymerase III as a potential target.

Notre objectif est de comprendre le rôle des facteurs de transcription agissant à des étapes spécifiques de la lignée mammaire et de développer des traitements basés sur le ciblage de la transcription dans les cellules du cancer du sein. Nous avons classé le cancer du sein en trois grands groupes (luminal, apocrine moléculaire et basal, Farmer et al., 2005), et avons récemment développé un algorithme basé sur l'expression des facteurs de transcription pour classer les tumeurs dans ces groupes (Iggo, 2018).

Pour cibler les tumeurs luminales qui sont résistantes aux thérapies anti-œstrogènes existantes, nous développons des stratégies basées sur les modulateurs sélectifs des récepteurs aux androgènes (SARMs, Hickey et al., 2020).

Pour cibler les tumeurs apocrines moléculaires, nous avons réalisé deux essais cliniques avec des anti-androgènes (NCT01842321 et NCT03383679) mais nous devons mieux comprendre la biologie de ces tumeurs.

Pour cibler les tumeurs basales et les tumeurs semblables aux cellules souches (communément appelées TNBC dans la littérature clinique car elles n'expriment pas le recepteur d'éstrogène [ER], le récepteur de la progestérone [PR] ou ERBB2 [HER2]), nous explorons une isoforme embryonnaire de l'ARN polymérase III comme cible potentielle.
                                          Breaking News

December 2022: Our new article is out in "Cancers"


The POLR3G Subunit of Human RNA Polymerase III Regulates Tumorigenesis and Metastasis in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Our Team members are participating in teaching modules of the bachelor degree and of the Masters of Genetics (GMC), Cellular Biology (BCPP), Cancer Biology and Biochemistry of the University of Bordeaux.
For more detailed information, please contact the laboratory.
Les membres de notre équipe participent aux modules d’enseignement de la Licence et des Master de l’Université de Bordeaux en génétique (GMC), en biologie cellulaire (BCPP), en biologie du cancer et en biochimie.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter le laboratoire.
Selected Publications

The POLR3G Subunit of Human RNA Polymerase III Regulates Tumorigenesis and Metastasis in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Website:

An RNA Polymerase III General Transcription Factor Engages in Cell Type-Specific Chromatin Looping.
de Llobet Cucalon L, Di Vona C, Morselli M, Vezzoli M, Montanini B, Teichmann M, de la Luna S, Ferrari R. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Feb 18;23(4):2260. doi: 10.3390/ijms23042260.


RNA Polymerase III Subunit Mutations in Genetic Diseases.

Lata E, Choquet K, Sagliocco F, Brais B, Bernard G, Teichmann M. Front Mol Biosci. 2021 Jul 30;8:696438. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.696438. eCollection 2021.

Activation and repression at the heart of human RNA polymerase III.

Lata E, Teichmann M. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2021 Feb;28(2):124-126. doi: 10.1038/s41594-021-00561-1.


TFIIIC Binding to Alu Elements Controls Gene Expression via Chromatin Looping and Histone Acetylation.

Ferrari R, de Llobet Cucalon LI, Di Vona C, Le Dilly F, Vidal E, Lioutas A, Oliete JQ, Jochem L, Cutts E, Dieci G, Vannini A, Teichmann M, de la Luna S, Beato M. Mol Cell. 2020 Feb 6;77(3):475-487.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2019.10.020.

The hRPC62 subunit of human RNA polymerase III displays helicase activity.

El Ayoubi L, Dumay-Odelot H, Chernev A, Boissier F, Minvielle-Sébastia L, Urlaub H, Fribourg S, Teichmann M.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Sep 16. pii: gkz788. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz788.

Fusion-mediated genomic instability promotes aneuploidy patterns that resemble human tumors.

Delespaul, L, Merle , C, Lesluyes, T, Lagarde, P, Le Guellec, S, Pérot, G, Baud, J, Prochazkova-Carlotti, M,  Danet, C, Fèvre, M, Rousseau, B, Durrieu-Gaillard, S, Teichmann, M, Coindre, JM, Lartigue, L, Chibon, F. Oncogene. 2019 Jul 3. doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-0859-6. [Epub ahead of print]


Leukodystrophy-associated POLR3A mutations down-regulate the RNA polymerase III transcript and important regulatory RNA BC200.

Karine Choquet, K, Forget, D, Meloche, E, Dicaire, MJ, Bernard, G, Vanderver, A, Schiffmann, R, Fabian, M, Teichmann, M, Coulombe, B, Brais, B, and Kleinman, C. J Biol Chem. 2019 May 3;294(18):7445-7459. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.006271.

CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing induces megabase-scale chromosomal truncations.

Cullot, G, Boutin, J, Toutain, J, Prat, F, Pennamen, P, Rooryck, C, Teichmann, M, Rousseau, E, Lamrissi-Garcia, I, Guyonnet-Duperat, V, Bibeyran, A, Lalanne, M, Prouzet-Mauléon, V, Turcq, B, Ged, C, Blouin, JM, Richard, E, Dabernat, S, Moreau-Gaudry, F, Bedel, A.

Nat Commun. 2019 Mar 8;10(1):1136. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09006-2.

Effects on prostate cancer cells of targeting RNA polymerase III.
Petrie1, JL, Swan, C, Ingram, RM, Frame, FM, Collins, AT, Dumay-Odelot, H, Teichmann, M, Maitland, NJ, White, RJ.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 May 7;47(8):3937-3956. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz128.

Mutation in POLR3K causes hypomyelinating leukodystrophy and abnormal ribosomal RNA regulation.

Dorboz I, Dumay-Odelot H, Boussaid K, Bouyacoub Y, Barreau P, Samaan S, Jmel H, Eymard-Pierre E, Cances C, Bar C, Poulat AL, Rousselle C, Renaldo F, Elmaleh-Bergès M, Teichmann M, Boespflug-Tanguy O.

Neurol Genet. 2018 Dec 3;4(6):e289.

Regulation of RNA polymerase III transcription during transformation of human IMR90 fibroblasts with defined genetic elements.

Durrieu-Gaillard S, Dumay-Odelot H, Boldina G, Tourasse NJ, Allard D, André F, Macari F, Choquet A, Lagarde P, Drutel G, Leste-Lasserre T, Petitet M, Lesluyes T, Lartigue-Faustin L, Dupuy JW, Chibon F, Roeder RG, Joubert D, Vagner S, Teichmann M.

Cell Cycle. 2018;17(5):605-615.

Absence of neurological abnormalities in mice homozygous for the Polr3a G672E hypomyelinating leukodystrophy mutation.

Choquet K, Yang S, Moir RD, Forget D, Larivière R, Bouchard A, Poitras C, Sgarioto N, Dicaire MJ, Noohi F, Kennedy TE, Rochford J, Bernard G, Teichmann M, Coulombe B, Willis IM, Kleinman CL, Brais B.

Mol Brain. 2017 Apr 13;10(1):13.

TRM6/61 connects PKCα with translational control through tRNAi(Met) stabilization: impact on tumorigenesis.

Macari F, El-Houfi Y, Boldina G, Xu H, Khoury-Hanna S, Ollier J, Yazdani L, Zheng G, Bièche I, Legrand N, Paulet D, Durrieu S, Byström A, Delbecq S, Lapeyre B, Bauchet L, Pannequin J, Hollande F, Pan T, Teichmann M, Vagner S, David A, Choquet A, Joubert D.

Oncogene. 2016 Apr 7;35(14):1785-96.

Structural analysis of human RPC32β-RPC62 complex.

Boissier F, Dumay-Odelot H, Teichmann M, Fribourg S.

J Struct Biol. 2015 Dec;192(3):313-319.


Activation and repression by oncogenic MYC shape tumour-specific gene expression profiles.

Walz S, Lorenzin F, Morton J, Wiese KE, von Eyss B, Herold S, Rycak L, Dumay-Odelot H, Karim S, Bartkuhn M, Roels F, Wüstefeld T, Fischer M, Teichmann M, Zender L, Wei CL, Sansom O, Wolf E, Eilers M.

Nature. 2014 Jul 24;511(7510):483-7.

Contributions of in vitro transcription to the understanding of human RNA polymerase III transcription.

Dumay-Odelot H, Durrieu-Gaillard S, El Ayoubi L, Parrot C, Teichmann M.

Transcription. 2014;5(1):e27526.

RNA polymerase III transcription - regulated by chromatin structure and regulator of nuclear chromatin organization.

Pascali C, Teichmann M.

Subcell Biochem. 2013;61:261-87.

Recessive mutations in POLR3B, encoding the second largest subunit of Pol III, cause a rare hypomyelinating leukodystrophy.

Tétreault M, Choquet K, Orcesi S, Tonduti D, Balottin U, Teichmann M, Fribourg S, Schiffmann R, Brais B, Vanderver A, Bernard G.

Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Nov 11;89(5):652-5.

Mutations of POLR3A encoding a catalytic subunit of RNA polymerase Pol III cause a recessive hypomyelinating leukodystrophy.

Bernard G, Chouery E, Putorti ML, Tétreault M, Takanohashi A, Carosso G, Clément I, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Rodriguez D, Delague V, Abou Ghoch J, Jalkh N, Dorboz I, Fribourg S, Teichmann M, Megarbane A, Schiffmann R, Vanderver A, Brais B.

Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Sep 9;89(3):415-23.

Widespread occurrence of non-canonical transcription termination by human RNA polymerase III.

Orioli A, Pascali C, Quartararo J, Diebel KW, Praz V, Romascano D, Percudani R, van Dyk LF, Hernandez N, Teichmann M, Dieci G.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jul;39(13):5499-512.

Structure-function analysis of hRPC62 provides insights into RNA polymerase III transcription initiation.

Lefèvre S, Dumay-Odelot H, El-Ayoubi L, Budd A, Legrand P, Pinaud N, Teichmann M, Fribourg S.

Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2011 Mar;18(3):352-8.

General transcription factors and subunits of RNA polymerase III: Paralogs for promoter- and cell type-specific transcription in multicellular eukaryotes.

Teichmann M, Dieci G, Pascali C, Boldina G.

Transcription. 2010 Nov;1(3):130-135.

Cell growth- and differentiation-dependent regulation of RNA polymerase III transcription.

Dumay-Odelot H, Durrieu-Gaillard S, Da Silva D, Roeder RG, Teichmann M.

Cell Cycle. 2010 Sep 15;9(18):3687-99.

Two isoforms of human RNA polymerase III with specific functions in cell growth and transformation.

Haurie V, Durrieu-Gaillard S, Dumay-Odelot H, Da Silva D, Rey C, Prochazkova M, Roeder RG, Besser D, Teichmann M.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 2;107(9):4176-81.

PTEN represses RNA polymerase III-dependent transcription by targeting the TFIIIB complex.

Woiwode A, Johnson SA, Zhong S, Zhang C, Roeder RG, Teichmann M, Johnson DL.

Mol Cell Biol. 2008 Jun;28(12):4204-14.

The expanding RNA polymerase III transcriptome.

Dieci G, Fiorino G, Castelnuovo M, Teichmann M, Pagano A.

Trends Genet. 2007 Dec;23(12):614-22.

Identification, molecular cloning, and characterization of the sixth subunit of human transcription factor TFIIIC.

Dumay-Odelot H, Marck C, Durrieu-Gaillard S, Lefebvre O, Jourdain S, Prochazkova M, Pflieger A, Teichmann M.

J Biol Chem. 2007 Jun 8;282(23):17179-89.

Nuclear particles containing RNA polymerase III complexes associated with the junctional plaque protein plakophilin 2.

Mertens C, Hofmann I, Wang Z, Teichmann M, Sepehri Chong S, Schnölzer M, Franke WW.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Jul 3;98(14):7795-800.

Spermiogenesis deficiency in mice lacking the Trf2 gene.

Zhang D, Penttila TL, Morris PL, Teichmann M, Roeder RG.

Science. 2001 May 11;292(5519):1153-5.

A stable complex of a novel transcription factor IIB- related factor, human TFIIIB50, and associated proteins mediate selective transcription by RNA polymerase III of genes with upstream promoter elements.

Teichmann M, Wang Z, Roeder RG.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Dec 19;97(26):14200-5.

Human TATA-binding protein-related factor-2 (hTRF2) stably associates with hTFIIA in HeLa cells.

Teichmann M, Wang Z, Martinez E, Tjernberg A, Zhang D, Vollmer F, Chait BT, Roeder RG.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Nov 23;96(24):13720-5.


Functional interchangeability of TFIIIB components from yeast and human cells in vitro.

Teichmann M, Dieci G, Huet J, Rüth J, Sentenac A, Seifart KH.

EMBO J. 1997 Aug 1;16(15):4708-16.

Physical separation of two different forms of human TFIIIB active in the transcription of the U6 or the VAI gene in vitro.

Teichmann M, Seifart KH.

EMBO J. 1995 Dec 1;14(23):5974-83.


University of Bordeaux
Inserm U1312
146, rue Léo Saignat
Bâtiment 3A, 1st floor
33076 Bordeaux
Funding bodies
Ligue contre le Cancer:
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